A downloadable game

Sleigh the Competition! 2023 Christmas Game Jam entry


The Fable of the Lonely Tree.exe 191 MB


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Unfortunately, I stopped playing because the screen was so small (I couldn't make it larger) that I got stuck trying to find the child the last time. But thankfully SlaughtyStudios shared their video so I was able to watch the rest and see those sparkles in the well. I actually liked this story more than several others in the Game Jam. I did find the maps a bit confusing because it looked like you could exit places where you couldn't. And the lack of doors in the town was a bit odd. And I agree with the comment about the multiple text boxes with the "...". But I did like the story and other than the small screen, I didn't experience any problems.

Thank you very much for your kind words, I wish I could tell you how to play in fullscreen, and thanks for the critiques.

I wish I could've thought about the story much earlier, so that I would've had enough time to make portraits and images, but I?m still kinda happy with how the game came out.

Alt + Enter

thanks for the critiques and advices.

I agree with Windryder that this game has a melancholy vibe going but I liked it. It was a very heartfelt story and right before the end, you have a feeling of what is fixing to happen but not quite sure. I thought it captured a Christmas / Holiday feel akin to Frosty the Snowman melting at the end of his story. The gameplay was a little lack luster but I feel like the main focus was the story and you did it well. A couple of suggestions would be to limit your use of ellipses ("...") when there's more than one in a row it gets redundant and consider upgrading to MV/MZ just for the ability to full screen. Otherwise I thought this Fable was really well done and heartfelt.

This game is very melancholy. The music was fitting for the story. It made me feel a bit sad, a bit happy, a bit curious.

Overall, I felt that this game was trying to be too creative and it just lacked something to fully land with the player.

In terms of gameplay, there isn't much there. Mostly just reading.

P.S. Is there a way to make it full screen?

there should be a fullscreen option, I played it while testing the game in fullscreen too.
I'm sorry I can't give better instructions, since I played it from the engine, I did download it on another pc, but it had fullscreen as default.